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Writer's pictureRani

Yeah Guys, Let's Save All of our Blogs for One Week in March, Good Work.

There's a lot to love about our content team. They're a relatively passionate group when it comes to their specific fields and are all mostly capable of writing great content. The thing I find so strange about these bloggers, though, is that they have to be the most inefficient and inconsistent group of young men that I have ever interacted with. They constantly amaze me with how inconsistent and inefficient they continue to be.

Let's dissect this a little... We posted 21 blogs in 7 days last week on the blog. I was subtly impressed and some would go (and have gone) as far as saying I was almost proud of our blogging team. Sure, I was happy we finally found some traction in what we were doing, but I wasn't really proud. That's too strong of an emotion for me to feel, but what about the few days following that one week time frame? How many have we pumped out since then? We, collectively, have posted three blogs in four days. Hayden released two, I released one. Even for us, those are pretty poor numbers, but for everyone else to release zero after a 21 blog week? Bad. Really bad. Unexplainably bad.

The worst part is that these guys actually have blogs to write too. I know they do. Zeke has a couple. Josh has a couple. Jezza can write about the Blues game soon enough and the rest of our team can find content to write. They just don't. Hayden, I know has two blogs in drafts at once. I have like a zillion in the works. There have been two or three people this entire time carrying our content team. Do I need to reference this blog that I wrote again? There is almost no excuse. Write a blog. Heck, write two!

I'm not saying we need to pump out 21 blogs every week, but if you want me to take you to the next level, should Yammer House get there, you need to prove to me that you can thrive while we are at this level. Without that proof, I don't really want you on Yammer House now. Telling me you have a blog lined up and have plans to write means nothing to me. Write the blog. That's all it takes because, realistically, we want walkers, not talkers.


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