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  • Writer's pictureRani

The First Province: Welcome to Yammer House Canterbury

Here we are... Less than one year old. Going on 9 months, in fact. I've been talking about Yammer House provinces for quite a while internally here at Yammer and we've finally managed to get the ball rolling. I am so happy and proud to present our first Yammer House Province... The best Yammer House Province there ever will be. Yammer House Canterbury.

We've had a long journey to get this to where it is now. It has taken a lot of coordination, but we finally are able to push out our Canterbury province. The idea of this all is so our provinces (we plan on having many in New Zealand) can feud. We're sports fans. We feud anyway. Why not do it here too? It's just a shame that Canterbury (like always) will come out on top.

We're obviously really excited by this. I will lead the Province and Zeke will be my Deputy. We will primarily be in front of the camera in this role along with whoever else chooses to join Yammer House Canterbury. Beyond us, we've had many people work on this launch from start to finish, but there are too many names to thank. Yammer House Canterbury will fight with every other province in New Zealand until we are the only undefeated one left.

We have a logo. We have a reason. It's time for Yammer House Canterbury to get started. Let's. Get. Moving.

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