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Some Tinder Girls Are Actually Wastes of Time and Space

I've had enough. I'm 21, hopelessly single and fed up with the female species. I'm convinced that they are actually different. Different in bad ways. Now, you can have your empowerment groups and all that, I think those are great. I have massive issues with how you female humans use Tinder. I'll give you a few reasons why.

First up, why the hell are some of you so cold?!? Tinder works on a basis of 'you look hot to me, I look hot to you, so let's talk'. Unfortunately, a lot of you girls don't see it like that. You're colder than the other side of the pillow in a freezer sometimes and it hurts. I mean, shit... If you don't want to talk, say so! Don't avoid my subtle hints at hanging out with the few word answers you constantly give. What do you want me to think besides, "wow... she's a bitch" because if that's what you're going for... You win!!

Next on my list... I understand that you may have a type, but come on... You're on Tinder! Why are you being so picky! Surely you can't actually like tradies that much. Surely you're not that stuck on having a man with a Hilux. Surely, for goodness sakes, you realise your restrictions with your taste in men is exactly why you find yourself on Tinder in the first place! I mean, ladies, come on... be realistic. Can't you just settle for a man going through a crisis (this is completely hypothetical, I'm not going through a crisis).

Finally, What is it with you and dogs? You really think a dude having a dog makes him better looking? Are you that dumb? "Dogs are a bonus" like... shut up. You're being stupid, crazy or both. I don't have a dog. I have a cat. Maybe Chloe (my cat) is the reason I'm hopelessly single. Who knows. I sure as hell don't. All I know is that you get a head start romantically if you can afford dog food.

Tinder Girls are the worst. There is a reason you're all single. I'm just glad I'm not publicly putting my name on this blog. That would be bad. I would be alone forever. I mean, I already think I will be at this rate because I can't buy an interaction with a female, but who cares. I don't need women. I'll just go back to my PED's and Protein Shakes while pretending to work out.


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