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Writer's pictureZeke

So The General Left Me in Charge....

The general wrote a blog earlier this week, Yesterday actually, I'll link it here. For those of you who are much like Josh, Lazy, the blog basically says that he's going to be stepping away from blogging until he sorts himself out. The blog also had some heartfelt thing about taking care of your loved ones, which I fully agree with, if this is the one blog you'll ever read from Yammer House, take care of your loved ones, no matter when you see them, whatever drama may happen, make sure you know everybody you love, Knows.

Now back to the actual reason for this blog, Yes, you did read the title correctly. The General decided to message me in private and tell me that the blogs in my hands while he's away. What might you want to expect from me being in charge? There are a few ideas floating around my head, for example, I want to get some shows up and running that the General only talked about but never had any of the follow-through for. Another idea I had was to add some new bloggers that actually will Blog, specifically people who are passionate about the topics they'll blog about and will actually provide some good content to the team. The General recently added a blogger by the name of Myllo to the team recently and in her first four days of activity ha already written two blogs, and it looks like she's going to have some really promising content as of soon.

Stay Safe

- The New General.


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