This month I found a pretty funny single player game, This game hasn't been completed but is till really fun to play and mess around with the broken mechanics. Now if you're looking for some chill fun, maybe even download with some mates and play it at the same time even though it's single player. This is definitely the game for you.

Octoclutz is a game where you play as, you guessed it, an Octopus. As this ocotopus you get to escape confinement, trapped by scientists and then just mess with all of the different equipment they have there. You get to throw things at people, avoid sensors and the security, get some random guy toilet paper and so on. I had a lot of fun playing this, It was a good laugh although short, but since it is early access I would say they've done pretty well so far.

I give this a 3/10 On the Dumb Scale.
It is a lot of fun and I genuinely suggest playing this game if you have nothing else to do. It's just that the game is very small and well it doesn't have that much to it yet. That's nothing against the devs, It's great for where it is now.
Other than that the controls were pretty good, at some points there were a few faults. The graphics are alright. There were a few things in the game that made horribly loud noises that you couldn't change the volume of at all and so I gave it a lower score because of that as well. This is another game from the wonderful website, go check it out, it's got some funny games.