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Rani and Zeke Taught Me to Play Golf with Friends

So today I met Rani in person for the first time and that was great. Firstly Josh and I, unknowing to me, showed up to Zeke's house without his knowledge. Once picking up Zeke we drove to Rani's house and proceeded to knock on his window until he finally opened up and came with us on an adventure. We were only out for a couple hours but in this time we

We went to pack n' save to get some drinks, josh climbed all the way round the car while it was moving as Zeke and I screamed in the backseat, went to the warehouse, hid from Josh, sat in the office section and all pretended to have real person jobs and not be ya know, a bunch of bloggers with too much time on their hands

However once the night was done and Josh had taken everyone home Rani, Zeke and I jumped on a discord call on the good ol' Yammer house server to played some golf with friends. Apparently this is a very popular multiplayer game but I pretty much have no spare time so I am very behind in pretty much everything.

Now I have never even heard of this game let alone played it so I was very lost. (I also don't currently have my mouse so I was using a trackpad to play) However by the end of us playing for a couple hours I finally managed to land under par! I did however manage to get about 124 for one game where the par was 51 which was a shocking failure on my part.

I was laughed at many times and totally made a fool out of myself repeatedly but in the end it was worth it because while I did not win I did have a lot of fun and maybe just maybe I might be able to win next time.

Thanks for reading


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