In this week's Mitre 10 update Hawke's Bay have made me eat my words. As fun as it was in week 1 to laugh at them losing to Southland, they have since recovered and proven they are indeed not trash.

They actually seem pretty good! After offloading the Reverse Ranfurly in less than a week, they’ve excelled so much they've gone on to claim the real Ranfurly and are currently sitting at top of the table in the championship.
Well... Guess I got that one wrong.
Closer to home the General has been trying to convince me how disappointing Canterbury has been this year but after looking at the standings it’s not even that bad.

Sure we lost the real Ranfurly shield to Otago and lost two games but we’re still only 1 game behind Tasman so things are looking okay in my books. It'll be another week or two before I dare thinking of slandering my beloved Cantabs.
At the bottom end of the table, the terrifying visage of Steely Dan finally proved enough for Counties Manukau this week as they scrapped to their first win of the season and have offloaded the Reverse Ranfurly to a team that actually seems worse than them.

Having picked up only 3 out of a potential 20 points in the season so far, the situation in Bucketheads seem are looking pretty bleak. At least they aren't the 76ers though so they have that going for them.